
Canary Crow

Common name: Canary Crow

Scientific name: Corvus corax ssp. canariensis

Status: Exclusive to the Canary Islands, present on all the islands and on the islets of Lobos, La Graciosa, Montaña Clara and Alegranza.

Habitat and distribution: Only the islands of Fuerteventura and El Hierro, the most livestock, maintain populations close to 100 pairs. In the others it is about to disappear. Gran Canaria has gone in 30 years from having 150 couples to only 13; Tenerife from 80 to 12; La Palma from 50 to 21; La Gomera from 100 to 9.

How to recognize it: Very similar to the European subspecies, but smaller.

Curiosities: Unjustly accused of being a predator of baby goats, it has been persecuted by shepherds for centuries. Its main problems are poisons, power lines and lack of food due to the stabling of livestock or the closure of landfills.