Istmo de la Pared, Barlovento

The route we suggest is part of the GR 131 nature trail. It starts from the village of La Pared and always runs quite close to the windward coast. On the sandy slopes between La Pared and Pueblo del Mar, a small group of houses located less than a kilometer from this town, you can see in February the pulicarias majoreras in bloom, and advancing further along the trail in a southwesterly direction we cross the stony plains where the chaparro canario grows, which blooms somewhat later.

The duration of the excursion depends on you and the conditions of the day: you can return early to La Pared, making a circular tour, or continue along the coast, which alternates stretches of cliffs with small coves where it is not advisable to swim. More or less in the central area of the isthmus there are several roads that go to the opposite coast, the leeward, reaching the town of Costa Calma.

It is important to plan the excursion well and to use your strength, as walking through sandy areas in a place with no shade and frequently buffeted by strong winds can be tiring. If we go to Costa Calma it is advisable to leave a car there beforehand to return to the starting point in La Pared.

Degree of difficulty: low-medium
Slope: 30 m
Distance: depends on the chosen route