
Perenquén Majorero

Common name: Perenquén majorero

Scientific name: Tarentola angustimentalis

Status: Endemic but not threatened species exclusive to the eastern Canary Islands. It is found in Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Lobos, Graciosa, Montaña Clara, Alegranza, Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este.

Habitat and distribution: Abundant, it can be found under stones in areas of sparse scrub, human constructions or even in sandy areas, from coastal areas to peaks.

How to recognize it: Gecko with a robust and flattened body, a light gray back and eyes with golden or brown irises.

Curiosities: It is the envy of every climber, because thanks to the suction cups on its fingers it sticks to ceilings and walls with its legs and even maintains its adherence to polished glass. Active at night, they emit various types of audible calls that play an important role in their social behaviour. It is part of the diet of owls, curlews and cats.